Total pool value: $33,792
First Prize Student Winners x 6
Awarded to one student in each entry category.
A hamper of art & craft supplies valued at over $500.

First Prize School Winners x 6
Awarded to the first prize winner’s enrolled school in each entry category.
A hamper of art & craft supplies valued at over $2800.

Shortlisted Student Finalists x 120
Awarded to 20 winning students in each entry category.
A hamper of art & craft supplies valued at over $100.

People’s Choice Student Winners x 6
Awarded to one student in each entry category as voted by the public.
A hamper of art & craft supplies valued at over $100.
Plus, every entry will receive a Zart Certificate of Participation

Entry Categories
Primary School
Category 1: Students in Foundation to Level 3
Category 2: Students in Level 4 to Level 6
Secondary School
Category 3: Students in Level 7 to Level 9
Category 4: Students in Level 10 to Level 12
Special Education
Category 5: Students in Foundation to Level 6
Category 6: Students in Level 7 to Level 12