2022 Theme

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A hack to remove default functionality that forces first item to be open

What is the 2022 theme?

This year’s theme is My Environment

What mediums can be entered?

There are no limitations to the media or artwork format. It can be 2D or 3D artwork, or video.

Who can enter

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A hack to remove default functionality that forces first item to be open

Do I have to be an Australian enrolled student to enter?

Yes. Zart’s Student Art Competition is ONLY open to students currently enrolled in an Australian Primary and Secondary School, including Special Education students and Australian Home School Students.

Can home school students enter?

Australian home-school students can enter their relevant category but are only eligible to win the student portion of the awarded prize. The remaining school portion of the prize will be distributed equally amongst the other SCHOOL category winners.

Can international students enter?


How many times can a student enter?

One entry only.

Can students or classes enter a collaborative artwork?

Yes, students can collaborate on work however entries representing partnerships between individuals will be accepted as one entry only, and with the understanding that each contribution is deemed equal, and each student MUST be enrolled at the same school. If a collaborative work wins, the prize will be split equally between the students.

Submitting Artwork

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A hack to remove default functionality that forces first item to be open

How much does it cost to enter?

There is no entry fee.

How do I know if my entry was received?

A confirmation email will be sent to the address provided on the entry form.

Can a teacher, guardian or parent submit artwork on behalf of a student?


I am a teacher, can I submit a class of work on my students' behalf using my email address?

YES! ONE email address can be used to set up multiple entries, however a form is required per student/entry. We require individual forms to confirm a student’s entry, prize category, age and artwork information. Each form allows us to create a unique gallery page and voting URL per entry.  Student details are also required for the Participation Certificates. NB. The certificates will be sent to the email provided at time of entry.

Why do you need an email address?

An email address must be provided at time of entry. This email can belong to the student, guardian, teacher or parent. Emails are used to confirm each entry, and as a means of contact, such as an email to confirm submission success, artwork questions, and student certificates. NB. The certificates will be sent to the email provided at time of entry.